Austrian Arbitration Academy in cooperation with SHS, VIAC, YAAP and ArbAut
May 6-10, 2025, Vienna, Austria
Jointly organized by the Vienna International Arbitral Centre, the Young Austrian Arbitration Practitioners, the Austrian Arbitration Association and the Sommerhochschule of the University of Vienna, which has been hosting an annual international summer school in Strobl/Wolfgangsee since 1949 and the Austrian Arbitration Academy since 2014, this program has been specifically devised for participants with first experience in the area of international arbitration.
The course will take place in Vienna and will consist of a taught module and participation in the Vienna Arbitration Days.
It addresses the following groups of participants:
- young practitioners (in particular junior associates/ RechtsanwaltsanwärterInnen) working in the field of dispute resolution
- PhD and diploma students specializing in arbitration
Professor Paul Oberhammer (Vienna/London/St. Gallen) acts as course director of the Arbitration Academy, while Mag. Niamh Leinwather is co-director of the Austrian Arbitration Academy - Arbitration Rules in Practice on behalf of VIAC. The classes will be taughtby first class international arbitration practitioners
from both the bar and academia.
The Austrian Arbitration Academy – Arbitration Rulesin Practice will take place from Tuesday, May 6 to Saturday, May 10, 2025. Participants will enjoy three days of interactive classes (eight modules of two hours each). The course will mirror the structure of an (administered) arbitration and will discuss salient issues of international arbitration, in particular practical problems that might be encountered frequently.
Throughout the course, the focus will lie on institutional arbitration proceedings. The last session on Thursday will consist of a mock organizational hearing. For successful completion of the course, participants will thereafter be asked to draft a Procedural Order No 1.
On Friday and Saturday, all participants will attend the Vienna Arbitration Days, the leading arbitration
conference in Austria (registration fee included).
The course will cover the following topics:
- Introduction
- The Arbitration Agreement + Constitution of the Arbitral Tribunal
- Organization of Proceedings
- The Arbitral Award + Costs
- Multiparty Arbitration
- Evidence
- Hearing in Practice
- Mock Organizational Hearing
Successful participants will receive the University of Vienna-Austrian Arbitration Academy-VIAC practice diploma.
Application deadline is April 7, 2025.
Applicants have to submit the following documents:
- Application form
- CV
- Short statement of purpose
Application material must be sent to the following address:
The fee of the Austrian Arbitration Academy – Arbitration Rules in Practice in cooperation with SHS, VIAC, YAAP and ArbAut amounts to € 725,00 which includes registration, tuition, lunch & coffee breaks, dinner at a “Heurigen” (traditional Austrian restaurant) as well as the registration fee for the Vienna Arbitration Days (excluding conference dinner & ball).