Joint Workshop University of Vienna and Nanjing Audit University


Current Issues of Audits, the Fight against Corruption, Dispute Resolution, and Economic Development

Monday, 24 June 2019, 10:30 – 16:30 hours
Hörsaal der Rechtswissenschaften, Schenkenstr. 8, 4th floor, 1010 Vienna

10:30 Words of Welcome
Prof. MEISSEL Franz Stefan, Vice-Dean for International Affairs, University of Vienna, Law School
Prof. LEWISCH Peter, Department of Criminal Law, University of Vienna
Prof. DONG Birong, Vice President of NAU

10:40 – 12:40 Session I
Dr. WENK René, Austrian Court of Audit, The role of the Austrian Court of Audit in the fight against corruption
Prof. HU Zhiqiang, The Audit Legal System in Contemporary China

12:40 Lunch break

13:45 – 14:15 Session II

Dr. STRICKER Martin, Department of Criminal Law, Criminal law provisions against corruption: the Austrian approach.
Prof. JIANG Zhenchun, NAU, The concept of non-litigation and the dispute resolution system in traditional societies in China

14:15-14:30 Coffee break

14:30 – 16:00 Session III
Prof. LEWISCH Peter, New legal instruments in the fight against corruption and organized crime: whistleblowing and the provision of state´s evidence (leniency)
Prof. LIU Ruixiang, NAU, Value-added capabilities, market demand and the evolution of world economic patterns


16:00 – 16:15 General discussion and prospects for future collaboration

16:15 Words of farewell

16:30 End of workshop